Invoice Invoice

Upon payment of the toll a receipt will be issued.

This toll payment receipt is not valid for tax purposes.

To request an invoice in accordance with art. 21 of Presidential Decree 26.10.1972 n. 633 for motorway usage carried on the routes of competence, it is necessary to fill in the summary request of transits, to be forwarded to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, Via Benigno Crespi, 17, 20159 Milano (MI), which is attached here: Request form Invoice

The form must be completed legibly and complete all the required data in its entirety: they will not be dealt with illegible requests or incomplete data.

The request must be accompanied by the original toll receipts, intact and not tampered with.

Here you can download the GUIDE TO READING THE THE INVOICE


Electronic invoicing: as envisaged by the 2018 Financial Statements Law, starting from 1 January 2019 the electronic invoicing obligation for the supply of goods and services rendered between residents, established or identified in Italy will come into force. Therefore, from that date invoices will be issued only in electronic format and transmitted to customers electronically through the Interchange System (Sdl), according to the technical rules set by the Revenue Agency.

For those who have completed the full registration to view the transits of the owned plates, it is specified that the invoices in analog format are still published in the reserved area and have tax validity only if issued to non-established and unidentified parties in Italy as well as in other cases specifically provided for by current legislation.