What is the Free Flow®?

The Free Flow® is a collection system without tollgates or physical barriers, where the transit of the vehicle is detected by technological equipment placed on special portals, which, through the plate of the vehicle or on-board device, assigns the volumetric class and works out the payment due.


What is the payment deadline?

Payment of the toll for all transits during the same calendar day must be made within the following 15 consecutive calendar days. Once such period has elapsed without payment having been made, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda will initiate the debt collection activities.


What happens if I do not pay?

Failure to pay the toll within 15 days from date of transit entails activation of the debt collection procedure by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda.

Customers with an Italian plate vehicle will receive a payment Reminder to their addresses setting out the toll amount together with the administrative costs incurred by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda. Said reminder can be settled by the deadline indicated therein. If the customer does not make payment, a second payment reminder will be sent, after which the file will be entrusted to an external debt collection company.

It should furthermore be noted that, in accordance with Article 176, paragraph 11 of the Highway Code, the omission to pay the toll likewise entails the application of an administrative penalty for an amount ranging from EUR 87.00 to EUR 344.00 (Article 176, paragraph 21 of the Highway Code) and that, for the same infringement, a subtraction of 2 points from the driver’s license is additionally envisaged (Article 126-bis of the Highway Code).

The debt collection activities relating to Customers with foreign plate vehicle are instead fully entrusted to a specialised company, which sends a request for payment of toll and administrative costs incurred for debt collection.  


How can the toll be paid?

You may pay the toll in one of the following ways:

1.  with Electronic Toll services: the portals detect the on-board device (OBU - On Board Unit) and the toll is charged automatically, according to the methods, terms and conditions established by the contract between the customer and the company service provider;

2.  with Conto Targa Account, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda’s free service that enables toll payments to be debited to a current account or a credit card;

3.  with Pedemontana Rechargeable, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda’s free service that enables toll payments to be made by recharging an electronic purse associated with the vehicle Conto Targa. The payment amount will be automatically deducted from the electronic purse upon each transit;

4.  on the website www.pedemontana.com, if you click on the Pay the toll section, you will log onto the customer payment area. In this section, you can also pay by accessing the pagoPA platform, and download the payment notice, to be settled in the manner therein indicated by 24.00 on the date on which the notice itself was issued. With the same login credentials, you can furthermore use the services of the “Pedemontana Lombarda” App;

5.  you may pay the tolls pertaining to vehicles with Italian Conto Targas with debit cards issued by any bank at the ATMs of Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo, by accessing payment through the CBILL service (www.cbill.it) – company code 0335M. All you need for payment is to type the plate. Current account holders banking with Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo may also use prepaid cards and Nextcard cards. For all Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda customers, the commission per transaction is EUR 0.50. Current account holders banking with Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo may access the same services on the same terms and conditions (EUR 0.50 per transaction) through their own Internet Banking as well;

6. with credit card or cash at one of the following Customer Assistance Points:

·         Mozzate Green Point situated in Mozzate (CO) on the Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda A36.

·         Courtesy Points of Milan Serravalle-Milan Orbital Roads: 

  • North Orbital Road of Milan A52 - Sesto San Giovanni, situated before the Sesto San Giovanni Toll Plaza in the direction of Highway A1
  • East Orbital Road of Milan A51 - Agrate, situated near the Agrate/Vimercate toll plaza when exiting the Milan–Venice Highway A4 and heading towards Highway A1
  • Highway A7 - Milan West, situated next to the Centro Radio Informativo building in the proximity of the Milan West Toll Plaza at the entrance of the Milan Genoa Highway A7 (in Genoa’s direction)


7. in cash or with credit card at one of the following Points listed at this link: Affiliated Payment Points.


8. by downloading for free the new “Pedemontana Lombarda”  App on AppStore (Apple) or Google Play (Android).

9. Tolls, as well as reminders and top-ups of the Ricaricabile Pedemontana service, can be paid by debit card, credit card or prepaid card by connecting to the "Pay Online" section on the website www.poste.it. After a short registration, which is only necessary on the first access, it is possible to quickly regularize the payment of tolls, settle payment reminders and top up the Pedemontana Ricaricabile service. These services are also available at all post offices of the Poste Italiane S.p.A. group.

The credit card data used for payments are managed directly by the Bank providing the service without being stored by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda.

How much does the toll cost?

The toll is determined by the product of the kilometers attributed (main axes and part of the junctions) for each journey times the unit rate, increased by the surcharge due in accordance with the law and the VAT in force. The unit rate is commensurate with the type of vehicle used according to the classification criterion indicated below. Unlike other motorway networks (where the vehicle classes are defined with the axis-gauge method), on the Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda the classes are determined on a volumetric basis. To find out the costs of the journeys you intend to make, you can use the Calculate Toll function. You can use the Calculate the Toll function to know the costs of the distances you intend to cover in your trips.


How can I find out my vehicle class?

1.      Motorbikes and motor vehicles belong to the first class;

2.      Motor vehicles and pick-ups with trailer, vans and campers belong to the second class;

3.      Trucks, towing vehicles, buses and vans with trailer belong to the third class;

4.      Lorries, car transporters, towing vehicles with semi-trailer and buses with trailer belong to the fourth class.



How can I know if I have any outstanding tolls to pay?

To know whether you have any outstanding tolls to pay, you can log into the Pay the Toll section by inserting the required data. Please note that only the transits made in the last 15 days from date of access to the function will be visible, or those for which the payment deadline has not elapsed yet.


Can I check the toll amount due for transits unpaid by the 15 days’ deadline?

To know the detail of unliquidated payments, you may put forward an ad hoc request by email sent to pedaggi@pedemontana.com, indicating the vehicle plate. In any event, the toll amount due for transits unpaid by the 15 days’ deadline will be communicated in detail through the payment reminder.


How can I pay if I transit with a rented vehicle/one on leasing?

If, as at the date of transit, the vehicle in your availability has been rented, you can pay the toll by recourse to the Pay the toll option, taking care to tick the appropriate field and enter the timespan for the beginning and end of the rental.

To know the details of the transits related to the payment receipt, you can make a specific request by email to pedaggi@pedemontana.com, indicating the receipt number and attaching the identity document and a copy of the rental contract.

It is always the customer's responsibility to cancel the license plate from their account once the rental/leasing has ended.

What does the discount campaign stipulate?

To know the promotions underway, click here.


How should I read the toll bill?

For any detail, you can download the bill perusal guide.


Does the billing obligation extend to highway tolls as well? 

As stipulated by the 2018 Budget Law, 1 January 2019 was the effective date of the obligation to issue electronic bills for the sale of goods and the provision of services between residents, settled or identified in Italy. Accordingly, from that date bills are only issued in electronic format and transmitted to customers electronically through the Interchange System (SdI), pursuant to the technical rules laid down by the Revenue Office.

Those who completed the full registered to view the transits of plate owned by them should note that bills in analogic format are nevertheless published in the relevant Customer Area and are only valid for tax purposes if issued against persons not settled or identified in Italy, as well as in those other instances expressly contemplated by the relevant laws and regulations in force.


Is it necessary to slow down when going under the Free Flow® portals?

Without prejudice to the obligation to comply with the legally prescribed speed limits, you do not have to brake or slow down when the vehicle passes under the Free Flow® toll collection portal. The portal technology is capable of detecting the transiting vehicle without any need to slow down.


What must I do if I use the highway without an Electronic Toll Service or Conto Targa Account?

You may use one of the other payment methods available, which you can peruse in the Pay the toll section.


Is there a penalty if I fail to pay the toll?

Failure to pay the toll according to the methods and rates in force entails the infringement referred to in Article 176, paragraph 11 of the Highway Code, which lays down an administrative penalty ranging from EUR 85 to EUR 338. For the same infringement, a subtraction of 2 points from the driver’s license is additionally envisaged (Article 126-bis of the Highway Code).

Failure to pay the toll additionally entails activation of the debt collection procedure by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda, with a cost increase to be borne by the insolvent user.

Payment of the reminder does not jeopardise the application of the administrative penalty.


I tried to perform operations on your website using Internet Explorer, but I was unable to finalise them, how come?

Dear customer, we invite you to preferably use another browser to perform operations on our website. In case you make use of Internet Explorer, you must update it to a version not lower than 11.


I own a vehicle registered with Swiss number plates. I have registered my vehicle's number plate but cannot display the toll.

To ensure proper toll charge for journeys made by vehicles with Swiss licence plates, you need to select the type of vehicle used ("Motorcycle" for motorbikes or "Other" for other types of vehicle) via the drop-down menu.

Customers who have already registered a Swiss licence plate associated with a motor vehicle before 10 June 2020, are required to disable the licence plate entered and then re-enter it by selecting the correct type of vehicle ("Motorcycle" for motorbikes and "Other" for other types of vehicle).


My license plate contains special characters. How can I enter it?

License plate must be typed using the special characters typical of the foreign language of origin (e.g.  Ć, Č, Ž, Š, Ð, Ä, Ö, Ü, Å, Ø, Æ, Þ, Ý, Ú, Ó, É, Á).


I own a vehicle registered with a German license plate , electric / plug-in hybrid type. How do I have to register the license plate in order to pay the toll ?

It is mandatory to enter the license plate number correctly, typing in all the characters, including the final letter "E". In the event of incorrect or missing display of the toll amount it is advisable to contact our call center (02.39460460) or to request further clarification writing an email to pedaggi@pedemontana.com.


I tried to enter the Conto Targa to make a payment but the system got frozen, what can I do?

The error might have been caused by an incorrect data entry. You must accordingly re-type the Conto Targa, avoiding any spacing between one character and the next. With foreign Conto Targas, use the special characters typical of the foreign language of origin (e.g. Ć, Č, Ž, Š, Ð, Ä, Ö, Ü, Å, Ø, Æ, Þ, Ý, Ú, Ó, É, Á).






If I already have an on-board device for the automatic toll payment service, must I comply with any specific formalities?

If the vehicle with which you transit on our highway is fitted with an active on-board device, duly functioning and correctly installed on board, payment will take place automatically without any additional formalities.

I already have an on-board device for the automatic toll payment service: what can I do to pay the Pedemontana toll as well?

In this case, you need not do anything. Your on-board device will function in the same way as on all other highways. 

I am a customer of a company that provides electronic toll services: what happens if I activate a Conto Targa Account?

If you activate a Conto Targa Account, your on-board device will continue to operate regularly. The invoice for transits (including discounts currently provided) will be issued by the company providing the electronic toll service if at the time of transit the electronic device was up and running and properly positioned inside the vehicle.
If, on the other hand, during the trip, the electronic device was not on board the vehicle or was not active and functioning at the time of transit, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda will detect the transits by means of the vehicle plate and subsequently, where possible, to relative charge of the toll in the manner, terms and conditions of the contract relating to the active electronic toll service. Failing this, the invoice will be issued by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda as part of the Conto Targa service. For more information, please consult the regulations available in the section dedicated to Electronic Tolling.

I received the bill from the company that provides electronic toll collection services but I do not see the discounts: why is that so?

Discounts applied by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda are accounted for in the month subsequent to the pertinent one in accordance with the billing regulations laid down by the contract with the electronic toll collection company.

Why do I receive an invoice from a company that provides electronic toll services? I signed a subscription contract for a Conto Targa service which provides for the monthly invoice issue by APL: why doesn't this happen?

The Conto Targa Service cannot be provided in the presence of a on-board device functioning / active at the time of transit through the toll collection portals. In this case, the transits will be visible on the account of the company providing the electronic toll service and the billing terms will be those provided for in the contract stipulated with the same company. In the event of on-board equipment deactivated / not working at the time of transit, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda will detect the transits by means of the vehicle plate and subsequently, where possible, charge the toll according to the methods, terms and conditions of the contract. concerning the active electronic toll service.
Failing that, the invoice will be issued by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda as part of the Conto Targa service in the manner indicated in art. 2 of the general rules and conditions of the Conto Targa Service.


I activated a Conto Targa Account but I am also a customer of a company that provides electronic toll services, from whom will I receive the invoice?

In this case, the invoice will be sent by the provider of the electronic toll service; tolls relating to transits carried out on the sections managed by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda will be indicated on the invoice with evidence of any discount applied.


How come I found on the bill the non-discounted tolls relating to the interconnection between the A9 Highway and Como’s Orbital Road?

They are tolls administered by Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A., on which Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda may not apply any discounts.


My vehicle is fitted with an on-board device for the automatic toll payment service, but the free Flow collection system did not pick up any transit:

It might be that under some special circumstances (inadequate speed, wrong positioning of the device on board the vehicle, exhausted battery of the device, etc.), the transit is not automatically picked up via the on board device.

This anomaly cannot be detected immediately during transit but is obviously left to a subsequent phase.

It is specified that in the event of on-board unit not being detected electronically when passing under the toll collection portals, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda will detect the transits using the vehicle's license plate and subsequently, where possible, charge the related toll according to the methods, terms and the conditions of the contract relating to the active Electronic Toll service.

For more info https://apl.pedemontana.com/telepedaggio




What is the Conto Targa?

Conto Targa is the free service that allows you to pay the tolls incurred on the Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda by charging your credit card or bank account.


How can I register for the Conto Targa Service?

You can register for the Conto Targa service directly from the dedicated section on the www.pedemontana.com website by creating an account and then filling in all the required details.


How can I verify if the Conto Targa service has been activated?

The Conto Targa service is active once the digital contract signing process has been successfully completed.

You can always check the activation status of your Conto Targa from your reserved area.


How can I sign the contract for the activation of the Conto Targa service?

The signing process is performed exclusively in electronic mode certified by OTP code, after authentication with SPID or remote video identification.


Do I need to send signed contract documents and/or copies of the associated vehicle registration documents?

No, you do not need to send any documents. The registration, activation and operation of the service does not require the sending of any documents.


What can I do if I can't register for the Conto Targa service?

Support can be requested by writing to the dedicated email address contotarga@pedemontana.com or by contacting the call center on 02.39.460.460.


What can I do if I have forgotten my password to access the Conto Targa service?

You can use the “recover password” function in the login section.


What is the difference between the Conto Targa service and the “Pay the toll” service?

By using the “Pay the toll” service, it is possible to pay the toll independently no later than 15 days from the date of transit.  

By activating the Conto Targa service, tolls will automatically be charged monthly to your credit card or bank account.


How do I activate and/or deactivate a license plate from my Conto Targa?

You can activate and/or deactivate at any time and in complete autonomy one or more license plates directly from your reserved area. The process is completed in a few minutes and the activation/deactivation date/time is displayed in the reserved area.


How can I pay the tolls accrued before the activation of the Conto Targa service?

You can pay tolls accrued prior to the activation date of the Conto Targa service with one of the payment methods indicated in the “Pay the toll” section. It is not possible to pay tolls retrospectively via the Conto Targa service.


Can I activate the Conto Targa service even if I use an electronic toll device?

Both payment systems can be activated. However, please note that if you use an electronic toll device, it will be automatically collected by the portals and the toll will be charged according to the procedures provided by the service provider.

For further information, please refer to the rules available in the section on electronic toll.


Is the Conto Targa affected by the electronic invoicing obligation in force since 1 January 2019?

Yes, Conto Targa invoices are issued only in electronic format and transmitted to customers electronically via the Interchange System (SDI).

You will find the courtesy copy of the invoices published in your reserved area.


What can I do if I find a misclassification of my vehicle on my Conto Targa invoice?

A report can be sent to the email address contotarga@pedemontana.com

The classification error will be dealt in the next available invoice.


Why did I find on my invoice the undiscounted tolls relating to the interconnection between the A9 and the Como ring road (A59)?

These are tolls under the responsibility of Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. on which Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda cannot apply discounts.


How do I update the payment method details associated with my Conto Targa?

It is possible to update the debit IBAN and/or credit card details in complete autonomy directly from the reserved area.


How can I withdraw from the Conto Targa account?

It is possible to cancel directly through the special function in the reserved area. Alternatively, you can use the withdrawal form on the website www.pedemontana.com under the section Conto Targa, following the instructions contained therein.





What is the Pedemontana Rechargeable service?

Pedemontana Rechargeable is the service that allows you to pay the tolls accrued on Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda by recharging an electronic purse associated with a vehicle Conto Targa. Activation is free.

Once the service is activated, the customer need not worry about paying each individual toll: the system will charge the transits by automatically deducting the amount from the electronic purse.


How can I activate the Pedemontana Rechargeable service?

To activate it, all you need is to register free of charge and make a first top-up.  


How can I top up?

You can reload the electronic purse online with credit and prepaid cards in the dedicated section (Rechargeable Account Top-Up), using the “Pedemontana Lombarda” App, which you can download from App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android), through ATMs of Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo, or at one of the licensed Assistance Points  (in cash, by credit card, or Bancomat card).

Top-ups of the Ricaricabile Pedemontana service, can be paid by debit card, credit card or prepaid card by connecting to the "Pay Online" section on the website www.poste.it. After a short registration, which is only necessary on the first access, it is possible to quickly regularize the payment of tolls, settle payment reminders and top up the Pedemontana Ricaricabile service. These services are also available at all post offices of the Poste Italiane S.p.A. group.


What is the difference between Pedemontana Rechargeable and Conto Targa Account?

The Pedemontana Rechargeable service is not linked to a current bank account or credit card: to activate it, all you need is to register free of charge and make a first top-up. This payment method does not envisage the recognition of any form of discount on tolls. 

As for the Conto Targa Account, it is the service that allows you to access a personal account and have your current bank account or credit card automatically debited with the toll amounts. This service enables you to benefit from active promotions. 


I am a customer of a company that provides electronic toll collection services: what happens if I activate the Pedemontana Rechargeable service?

By activating the service “Ricaricabile Pedemontana” your on-board unit will continue to function regularly. The invoice for tolls (including the currently applicable discounts) will be issued by the electronic toll service provider if, at the time of transit, the unit is properly functioning and correctly installed on the vehicle. However, if the on-board electronic unit is not present, not working properly, or not properly installed during the journey, Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda will detect the transit using the vehicle's number plate and subsequently, where possible, charge the toll according to the terms, conditions and methods specified in the contract related to the active electronic toll service. If this is not the case, the tolls will be deducted from the balance on your “Ricaricabile Pedemontana” account.  


I cannot remember the password: how can I proceed?

In the dedicated Pedemontana Rechargeable section, you must log onto your customer area, click on “Recover and/or change your Password”, and enter the required data.


I cannot remember the Account Code: how can I proceed?

In the dedicated Pedemontana Rechargeable section, you must log onto your customer area, click on “Recover Account Code”, and enter the required data.


How can I know my outstanding credit?

You can always check the outstanding credit by logging onto your customer area.


If I close down the Pedemontana Rechargeable service, how can I request refund of the outstanding credit?

To obtain refund of any outstanding credit, you must draw up a specific request by e-mail sent to pedaggi@pedemontana.com or by ordinary post sent to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A., Via Benigno Crespi, 17, 20159 Milano (MI), setting out in the subject line of the request the following reason: “RECHARGEABLE REFUND”. For more information, please check the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Service (Article 8.1). 

Here you can download the refund form


How can I pay the transits I made before activating the Pedemontana Rechargeable?

All tolls prior to the activation date of the Rechargeable service shall be paid within 15 consecutive calendar days from date of transit through the other available payment methods (Pay the toll, Pedemontana Rechargeable, Assistance pointsApp,, ATMs).


I have the Conto Targa Account: can I register for the Pedemontana Rechargeable?

You may not register for the Pedemontana Rechargeable service in the presence of a Conto Targa Account active for the same Conto Targa. 


I have activated the Pedemontana Rechargeable service by associating a vehicle registered with a Swiss number plate. I have made some journeys along the Pedemontana motorway, but my credit remains unchanged. Why?

To ensure proper toll charge for journeys made by vehicles with Swiss licence plates, you need to select the type of vehicle used ("Motorcycle" for motorbikes or "Other" for other types of vehicle) via the drop-down menu.

Specifically, you need to access your PERSONAL AREA, section ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT < CHANGE PLATE/NATIONALITY and select the correct type of vehicle ("Motorcycle" for motorbikes and "Other" for other vehicle types).

For the management of tolls related to journeys made prior to the correct selection of the vehicle type, please contact pedaggi@pedemontana.com in order to avoid being subject to debt collection actions.





What is the payment reminder?

The payment reminder is a document you receive by ordinary post at the residential address when you have failed to pay the toll within 15 consecutive calendar days from date of transit.

The payment reminder is characterised by a special identification number and sets out the vehicle data (Conto Targa and class), the transit data (date, hour, basic route), the amount to be paid (toll and miscellaneous investigation charges), the payment methods and the deadline for payment.

Failure to pay the amount due will entail the forced recovery of the credit with a resultant rise in the costs to be borne by the debtor.


Why did I receive a payment reminder?

Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda is the first highway in Italy to use the “Free Flow®” collection system, i.e. without toll booths, which allows people to transit through the relevant routes without having to stop to pay the toll.

The transit under the portals is detected both electronically, via an on-board unit ("electronic tolling"), and by photographic recording of the Conto Targa ("video tolling"). The toll amount is determined in accordance with the volumetric classification of each transiting vehicle.

If the user lacks an automatic payment methodology (e.g. Electronic Tolling, Conto Targa Account or Pedemontana Rechargeable), tolls relating to the same calendar day must be paid within the following 15 consecutive calendar days, in compliance with the obligation laid down by Article 176, paragraph 11 of the New Road Highway.

The reminder received at your own address is generated as a result of failure to pay the transits by the aforementioned deadline.

Payment of the reminder does not affect application of the administrative penalty laid down by Article 176, paragraphs 11-21 of the Highway Code.


How can I pay the reminder?

You can pay the amount due by using one of the under-mentioned payment methods:

  • by credit and prepaid cards in the “Pay the reminder” or “Pay the toll” section; In these sections, you can also make payment by accessing the pagoPA platform and also download the notice of outstanding payment to be settled in the manner therein specified by the deadline set out on the notice itself;        
  • via PagoPA payment notice made out to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda and attached to the reminder letter;
  • by credit and prepaid cards, downloading free of charge our “PEDEMONTANA LOMBARDA” APP;
  • by debit cards at all ATMs of the Banking Institutions affiliated to Consorzio CBI (www.cbill.it), through the CBILL Service (company code 0335M), by entering the payment reminder number recorded on the slip. If you pay at the Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo ATMs with debit card issued by any bank, the commission guaranteed to all Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda customers is EUR 0.50 per transaction. For all the other Banking Institutions, please refer to the individually concluded contractual agreements;
  • through the Internet Banking of the banks affiliated to Consorzio CBI that offer the CBILL Service (www.cbill.it) online for payment. Solely for Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo current accountholders, the commission resting on the user is EUR 0.50; for the other users, the commission is linked to the contractual agreements concluded with their own banks.
  • by credit card, debit card and cash at the Mozzate (CO) Green Point, at the Courtesy Points of Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A., or at the other licensed facilities, as indicated on our website under the heading “The Assistance Points”.
  • by debit card, credit card or prepaid card by connecting to the "Pay Online" section on the website www.poste.it. These services are also available at all post offices of the Poste Italiane S.p.A. group.


The PagoPA payment notice attached to the reminder is expired. What should I do?

You cannot pay an expired PagoPa payment notice through the PagoPa channels.

However, immediately after the expiration date, you can make the payment in one of the ways listed below by using the number written on the reminder:

·  With credit and prepaid cards from the section “Pay the reminder” or “Pay the toll”;

·  With credit and prepaid cards by downloading the APP “Pedemontana Lombarda”, available for free;

·  With credit, debit cards, or cash, at Punto Verde in Mozzate (CO), at Punti Cortesia in Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A., or at any authorised facility among those listed under the section “Service Points” of the website;

·  With debit, credit or prepaid cards from the “Pay Online” section at www.poste.it;

·  With debit, credit cards or cash at any post office of the Poste Italiane S.p.A. Group by  providing the reminder number to the operator;

·  With debit cards via the ATMs of banks subscribing to the CBI Consortium (www.cbill.it), through the CBILL service (company code 0335M), by providing the reminder number reported on the notice.



I received a payment reminder, but I think that the amounts reflected therein are incorrect. What must I do? 

To know the toll cost in detail and check the amounts recorded in the reminder, you can peruse the “Calculate the toll” section.

The payment reminder indicates the toll amounts due in the period described on the document plus the reminder costs set out in the following table:



Practical management administrative costs

2,58 €

Printing, mailing and production of reminder in PDF

0,08 €

Dispatch and delivery of reminder

0,38 €

Sub Tot

3,04 €

Public Automobile Register (PRA) search*

0,46 €

Total costs charged for reminder

3,50 €


* The PRA search costs are applied to each Conto Targa dealt with in the payment reminder.

If you believe that the amounts set out in your payment reminder are incorrect, you can raise an objection by filling out the special form attached to the reminder and sending it by email to solleciti@pedemontana.com or by fax to the no. 02.67741582. The foregoing is without prejudice to your right to send a letter to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A. Via Benigno Crespi, 17, 20159 Milano (MI), setting out the payment reminder number. In any event, you will have to provide an accurate description of the reasons why you believe that there is an error.


Why does the reminder stipulate additional costs?

The additional costs are necessitated by the higher liabilities Pedemontana has to be saddled with in order to send the payment reminder (searches, mailing costs, etc.). These costs are applied to each individual reminder as opposed to each individual transit. The reminder, in fact, is usually generated at month’s end by adding up the transits unpaid in the relevant month. Such modus operandi accordingly determines a cost containment in favour of the customer, unlike what happens in the rest of the motorway sector, where administrative fees are charged for each individual unpaid trip. 


I received a reminder: what must I do if at the date of transit the vehicle was stolen/lost?

If at the date of transit the vehicle di you owned had been stolen/lost, you can send an email to solleciti@pedemontana.com, indicating the payment reminder number in the main body thereof and attaching copy of the report submitted to the judicial Authorities in charge, as well as copy of the identity document.

Alternatively, you can raise an objection by filling out the special form attached to the reminder and sending it by email to solleciti@pedemontana.com or by fax to the no. 02.67741582. The foregoing is without prejudice to your right to send a letter to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A. Via Benigno Crespi, 17, 20159 Milano (MI), setting out the payment reminder number. In any event, you will have to attach copy of the report submitted to the judicial Authorities in charge, as well as copy of the identity document.


What must I do if the payment reminder has already been paid?

If you receive a payment reminder and believe that you have already paid it, you must first of all check the correspondence of the payment reminder number with the one recorded on the payment receipt. If they do not correspond, you must proceed to make payment. Otherwise, you can send the payment receipt by email to solleciti@pedemontana.com for the appropriate controls. Alternatively, you can fill out the relevant form attached to the reminder and send it by email to solleciti@pedemontana.com or by fax to the no. 02.67741582. The foregoing is without prejudice to your right to send a letter to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A. Via Benigno Crespi, 17, 20159 Milano (MI), setting out the payment reminder number. In any event, you will have to attach copy of the payment receipt.


When must I fill in and send the form attached to the payment reminder?

The form attached to the payment reminder must only be filled in and sent when you believe that payment of the transits indicated therein is not due.

NB! If you pay the required amount in the manner indicated in the reminder, you will not need to fill in and send the aforementioned form, as you merely have to attach the payment receipt.


What must I do if, as at the date of the transit, I did not own the vehicle?

If at the date of transit you were not the owner of the vehicle, you can send, by email to solleciti@pedemontana.com, copy of the deed of sale with the notarial deed details or the certificate of actual transcript to the Public Register for Automobiles (PRA). Alternatively, you can raise an objection by filling out the special form attached to the reminder and sending it by email to solleciti@pedemontana.com or by fax to the no. 02.67741582. The foregoing is without prejudice to your right to send a letter to Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A. Via Benigno Crespi, 17, 20159 Milano (MI), setting out the payment reminder number. In any event, you will have to attach copy of the deed of sale with the notarial deed details or the certificate of actual transcript to the PRA.


What must I do if at the date of transit the vehicle was rented/leased?

If at the date of transit the vehicle you were the owner of had been rented/leased, you can notify to Pedemontana, at the email address pedaggi@pedemontana.com, the details of the lessee escorted by copy of the lease agreement. 


My vehicle is equipped with an on-board device for the automatic toll payment service: why did I receive a payment reminder?

In some cases on-board units may not be correctly detected by the toll collection system, e.g. due to inappropriate vehicle speed, incorrect positioning of the vehicle, low battery, etc.

Compared to traditional infrastructures, where any anomalies linked to the failure to detect the on-board unit are detected and managed directly, in the case of barrier-free toll collection systems, such as the one adopted by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda, this anomaly cannot be detected during transit but is obviously deferred to a later stage. This is without prejudice to the fact that, prior to delivery of a payment reminder, the possibility of charging the toll by means of number plate detection is checked, as detailed in the section dedicated to the electronic toll service

If payment reminders are delivered, it is sufficient to request their cancellation using the form attached to the payment reminder. This will allow our operators to handle the matter at no additional cost for the customer.


 What must I do if I need further clarifications / questions?

For any other information, you can visit the Contact us section. For complaints (to report malfunctions / problems on the Pedemontana routes or staff-related), visit the ”Complaints” section