The advantages of the new system The advantages of the new system

·         No queues or delays at toll booths: The motorway is completely free from toll plazas, and the travel time is not influenced by the time required to stop at the booth;

·         Faster travel: traffic tends to move more quickly, always subject to speed limits;

·         Money and time saved for travellers: not having to stop at the toll booth saves fuel and time;

·         More certainty about travel times: Travellers can plan the time required for their trip based only on distance and road conditions, without having to calculate queues at the toll plaza.

·         Reduced noise and environmental pollution: Free Flow eliminates the noise and environmental pollution that are generated when vehicles queue at toll plazas;

·         Less congestion in residential areas: an ecological motorway designed for medium and long distance travel allows for less traffic on roads running through surrounding residential areas.